Monday, January 2, 2012

1|52 - 52 Week (Self Portrait) Project

This year I'm attempting the 52 Week self-portrait a week for an entire year. You would think that after completing a 365 Project (one photo a day for a year) that this would be easy however I believe it'll be much harder because:
  1. It's hard to take a self portrait...focusing, using the self timer, fiddling with the tripod...all makes for a more involved photo.
  2. Having one subject, me, will force me to be more can only take so many arm length photos of yourself. 
  3. Having one subject, me, will force me to look at myself in all types of ways....the good, the bad and the ugly.
Since the first day of the year fell on Sunday, my aim is to take my selfie each Sunday throughout the year. Feel free to follow my project via my Flickr or 365 Project sites.

That is my first submission. This photo represents me as a football them or hate them, I'm with the Cincinnati Bengals win or lose. I can honestly say I don't care much for this photo. 

Football Fan - Week 1/52
1|52 Football Fan


  1. I like it. Can't wait to see day 125......

  2. Wow, I applaud you...everytime I try one of these number projects I never complete them!

  3. What a great self portrait! That is a hard challenge. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am bookmarking yours. We have a lot in common. Are you on revelry also? I am momtomy2 over there. I will def visit again.
